

Help us document life in Biddeford by submitting your stories, images, oral history interviews, and videos to the Biddeford Community Archive. This work was begun as a way to document life during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has grown into a fully open community archive. Thank you for contributing!


  • VIDEO DEMO: Watch this brief tutorial on uploading materials by Renee at McArthur Library.
  • One of the best ways to orient yourself to the site is to check out other submissions. To do this, click on BROWSE ITEMS at the top of the page to look through the Archive.
  • Looking at how other contributors filled out their submissions will answer most simple questions about how to fill out the submission form for the item type you want to submit (photo, writing, etc.)
  • Having trouble? Use the CONTACT US tab to send us a message, and one of the partners will get in touch! We are here to help.


PHOTOGRAPHS. Digital, print photographs of whatever - people, art, places, activities.

WRITING (TEXT). Prose, poetry, recipes, jokes.

VIDEOS. Video diaries, home movies.

AUDIO FILES. Songs, audio diaries, spoken word.

ORAL HISTORY INTERVIEWS. Interviews between you and a family member or friend. For more guidance, please check out these websites!

Biddeford Cultural and Heritage Center, Voices of Biddeford Project. https://biddefordculturalandheritagecenter.org/voices-of-biddeford/

Oral History and Folklife Research, Inc. https://www.oralhistoryandfolklife.org/


Community Archives Empower through Access and Inclusion by the Mellon Foundation. https://mellon.org/shared-experiences-blog/community-archives-empower-through-access-and-inclusion/

Community Archiving by Joshua Finnell, Foundation for Intentional Community. https://www.ic.org/community-archiving/

“How Are We Going to Look Back on This Time?” Oral Historians Record Daily Life During COVID-19 by Molly Schwartz, Mother Jones. https://www.motherjones.com/coronavirus-updates/2020/05/how-are-we-going-to-look-back-on-this-time-oral-historians-record-daily-life-during-covid-19/

Historical Archives Once Silenced Marginalized Voices. Now Pandemic Archivists Want Them to Be Heard by Marc Parry, The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/Historical-Archives-Once/248693

DOCUMENTING THE NOW(website) https://www.docnow.io/


Contributor Agreement

I voluntarily agree to contribute this item to the Biddeford Community Archive. I affirm that (1) I am 18 years of age or older and (2) I am the creator of this item. Exceptions:

  • This item is in the public domain.
  • I am a parent or guardian submitting this item on behalf of my child.
  • I am an educator submitting student work with parental permission.
  • I have received permission from the copyright holder to share this item.

If this is an oral history interview, I have obtained permission from both the narrator and interviewer.

  • For assistance/guidance on doing Oral Histories, please contact Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center (https://biddefordculturalandheritagecenter.org/voices-of-biddeford/)

I understand that my item will be shared online and may be distributed to the public for educational purposes, including formats such as print, public, programming, exhibits, websites, and other online platforms.

I agree to share my item under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This means that I retain copyright, but that the public my freely copy, modify, and share these items for noncommercial purposes under the same terms, if they include the original source information.